Welcome to aiOla's Gad-Co.ML web site

Creating Amazing Data Platform

In the modern data world, when building cutting-edge AI for the masses, we need a solid data product to support it.

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Key Product Requierments

In the modern Data world, there are several challenges when referring to data ingestion and integration.  

Cadence Data

Data Gathering: initial, delta load. which is performed once or on a cadence interval. such as collecting all customer and interaction data once an hour.

Online Data Processing

Gather or update data on demand (CRUD) initiated by the Data side.
Get info on who should get the report too (manager...)

Streaming, Event Data

Listen, process, and act based on streaming or event-based info initiated by the far end or customer's system - such as entity created.
Such as move to Data Lake all new DaynamoDB new records

Federation and Data Mesh

Connect to the original data source and use its data as it is in the target database. Eliminate the need to move and sync data - will be used conditionally when appropriate (E.g - initial load, data validation)


Databus for distributing and managing data within and between data components. For example, sync data based on events - trigger ontology re-learn process after product data changed. Or sync back the duration of the activity field (even to the source system) based on a data AI process. Use also by IF as for Event Processing

Multi-Cloud, Multi-customers

Manage and govern complex data pipelines in a simple manner and enable simple control and management over them.

Open Source tools and a Multi-Cloud approach allow running on different cloud environments such as AWS, Azure, GCP and others.

Tools and simplification

Build GraphQL - AppSync that encapsulates all data and logic for ease of use by skills developers.

Build the M.V.P,(Move, Validate, Process), a tool to execute a customer-oriented data pipeline.

Support (and development) of data pipelines oriented by customer needs (a.ka. Content Pack)

KISS & Data Push Down approach

Keep it simple & Stupid, enabling building and maintaining complex pipelines in a kiss way.
Push Down approach - as databases become more powerful, capable, and MPP - enable them to perform processing they are capable of.

Our Customers - industries

Fortune 500 & 100 – Best customers ever 

KISS & Data Push Down approach

Keep it simple & Stupid, enabling building and maintaining complex pipelines in a kiss way.
Push Down approach - as databases become more powerful, capable, and MPP - enable them to perform processing they are capable of.